Tips to Prepare Your Motorcycle for Storage

While there’s nothing quite like the experience of riding a motorcycle, there are times when you encounter situations where you need to park your two-wheeled vehicle for an extended period. When this occurs, you can rely on motorcycle and car storage services in New Jersey, to properly store and maintain your steed.

Likewise, here are tips to prepare your vehicle for motorcycle storage:

  • Clean your motorcycle.
    Before storing your motorcycle for an extended period, give it a good wash to get rid of dirt and grime. This removes any excess grime or mud that’s been sitting on the bike’s surface that might damage the paint and cause corrosion. Be sure to let it dry under the sun before parking it for storage.
  • Fill the gas tank.
    A half-filled gas tank can cause certain maintenance problems in your motorcycle. Ethanol-based gasoline can also cause condensation inside a half-filled fuel tank. This will eventually suck moisture from the air and create gunk that will clog up the fuel system. Hence, the best course of action is to fill the tank or leave no space for condensation to take place internally.
  • Schedule an oil change.
    All motorcycle and car enthusiasts know the importance of a proper oil change. Engine oil acts as a lubricant and helps maintain the filtration system of your motorcycle. Hence, be sure to schedule an oil change before long-term storage.
Steve Ottomanelli is a reputable Operating Partner at Car Lofts LLC. As a car storage facility and private social club owner in Fairfield, New Jersey, you can rest assured knowing your two-wheeled treasures are safe with us. To learn more about our storage services, set an appointment today.
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